Simple Product Free Ways to Help Clear Up Your Skin
The first and easiest thing to do, is to STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE. No offense but your hands are dirty. Everyone's hands are dirty, even if you wash your hands a lot you are still touching a lot of objects during the day, and everything you touch with your hands you then put on your face when you rub it or rest your chin on your hand. Just being conscience of not touching your face can make a huge difference.
Next, as I always say in all aspects of beauty and fashion, KEEP IT SIMPLE. Mixing and trying new skin care products to clear your skin does nothing! You have to give your skin time to get use to the product for it to work to its full potential. You can't expect over night flawless skin.
By trying new products on your skin, face in general, you can make it worse by irritating and possibly damaging your skin with harsher and harsher products.
Find what works best for your skin and STICK TO IT! Once you find that routine keep to it. You skin works better with consistency.
My face cleansing routine is literally the two products in the picture above. I use plain old Dove Soap for sensitive skin to get all my make-up off and to then cleanse and message into my pores, I then moisturize with DORMER 211 Base Cream. This is a cream I've been using my whole life. It is my Mom's Holy Grail that I have now added to my own Holy Grail list.
Once I've finished washing my face I like to dry it with a CLEAN TOWEL! Lets have a moment here...when was the last time you changed or washed the towel beside your sink. If you can't remember honest there is a problem with that! I like to change this towel every other day to ensure its fresh and clean. This makes sure I'm not rubbing dirt back on to my freshly cleaned face!
This is also the case with my pillow cases... haha case, cases. anyone? moving on..
I change my pillow cases every third night. I use one side on the first night, flip it over the second night and on the third I change the pillow case. Even tho I wash my face before bed, I don't always have a shower before bed. Which means all the dirt, grease, and product from my hair gets on my pillow case, which then rubs on my face.
When I first started to change my pillow cases in this routine when I was in high school it made the biggest impact on the clarity of my skin. I had less break outs, my skin stayed clear for longer periods of time between that monthly gift.. (know what I mean.. *nudge* ladies)
I knew this was making a great difference for my skin within two weeks of starting this routine!
One final step to help keep your skin clear is to wear your hair up and out of your face when your sleeping. Even if your changing your pillow cases your hair can still rub against your skin. I call this my Fan Bun, because it reminds me of a fan, I wear my hair to bed like this every night. It keeps my hair off my face and give my skin air to breath.
In general keeping your hair pulled back is just as important as not touching your face all the time. If you are having a bad skin day or week, wearing your hair up or pulled away from your face is a simple but effective way to help let your skin heal with out adding more dirt.
Finally DON'T PICK! My mom's most classic line when I was a teenager with bad skin was
"Don't pick your face!"
Little did I know how right she was. Now that I am older I can appreciate her efforts to protect my skin from scars and scabs. Picking your Blemishes or other problem areas on your face actually spreads and scars your skin. Part of having clear skin is also keeping those scars from happening.
I hope these help you with your mission of clearing your skin. Remember it is an ever going process and you cant fix it over night, but also remember it happens to everyone! Don't hide behind it, fight it and feel confident!!
What are your clear skin secrets?!
xo k